Jean Luc Comperat


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Jean Luc Comperat is a French born architect based in NYC.

Upon arriving in New York, he started a glass studio in Manhattan with his wife Minouche.
He, an architect and she, a stylist, together in their free spirit and non-formal craft training, defined their own stained glass style. Their work has been published in countless publications –
They received first place from the Glass Master Guild in their fourth 4th annual Art Glass Competition, and in 2014, they also received “best of show” in the renowned WSOAE- Washington Square Outdoor Art Exhibit Display.

Since 2010, Jean Luc also started producing pop art inspired prints and portraying cultural icons of our time. Some of his work has been published in “Babel” language magazine and the book cover of “Napoleon ou la solitude d’un visionnaire” by Wenceslas Gobel.

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